That Matrix MMORPG that came out not long after the third movie is a better fourth movie than the third will ever be. I wish I could say I have faith in Keanu but, like Nicolas Cage, the sheer amount of crap he's been in despite being a phenomenal actor doesn't get my hopes up.
Title: Distillatoria
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Aug 22 2019 06:11 am
it was the best of times
it was the blurst of times
Title: Dorakyura
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Sep 04 2019 10:40 pm
This has disaster written all over it.
Title: Deku Scrub
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Sep 23 2019 05:53 pm
I'm feeling better about the Matrix sequel.
Title: Miss Madness 99
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Dec 19 2021 01:46 am
Prob will be like Ghostbusters Afterlife where it will be ok and give fan service but won't hit the mark in the end.
First movie still holds up
Title: Dorakyura
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Dec 29 2021 05:50 pm
Has anyone seen this? I have not heard anything about this movie since it was released. I suppose that means it was mediocre, as I'm sure I would have heard something if it was good or bad, since the internet loves its love/hate circlejerks.
Title: Warrior-Poet
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Dec 30 2021 01:55 pm
I've not seen it myself yet but I've heard mixed things. Some people really like it, some people say its terrible, so I think it's pretty resoundingly 'meh,' probably. Inoffensive, but not mind blowing.
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Jan 05 2022 07:05 pm
Big surprise, the trans girl went and saw the new Matrix movie (but I didn't pay to do it; enjoyed a screen share of HBO Max over Discord). Overall, I didn't really care for it and wish Elrond could have returned instead of giving us King George. Morpheus' replacement is a damn fine actor who does what he can with what he's given. The whole first act is Lana blasting her critics and the profession of the true villain seems like she was unloading a lot of baggage.
My opinion: See it just to sate your curiosity but it ain't worth risking exposure to Omicron to do so.
"Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time, and you'll have the time of your life!"
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Apr 19 2022 07:16 pm
Watched this not too long ago. I'm finding that people tend to fall into one of four camps:
1. Loved all of it
2. Hated all of it
3. Loved the first third, hated the rest
4. Hated the first third, loved the rest
I personally despised the first third, loved the middle third, and could take or leave the last 40 or so minutes of the movie (though wow, that was probably the worst post-credits scene I've ever seen). I didn't think the movie was particularly funny or "cute" with a lot of the meta commentary during the first part of the movie (in fact I hated it so much that I was kind of second-guessing myself wondering if I actually liked the original movies), but I did enjoy the middle of the movie where they kind of left behind all of the pretense and just devoted time to exploring more of the series' lore.