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Wrestlemania as it stands right now...*possible spoilers*

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Joined: Oct 01 2009
PostPosted: Jan 18 2010 03:21 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Well, that's tough because the Attitude Era sucked for several reasons;

1. Matches hardly went over 8 minutes, so you would have more matches but less tension.

2. Belts changed hands too often, they've been going back to this routine, but for someone to go 6 months with the belt was a really really rare feat.

3. Pushing the envelop in ways that sometimes drove people away, such as Mae Young giving birth to a hand, or Beaver Cleavage beating his girlfriend.

4. While nowadays not enough people get pushes, back then it seemed like too many people got them, I mean were Naked Mideon and "The One" Billy Gunn really supposed to get over?

Don't get me wrong...I LOVED the Attitude Era, but it did have flaws. And that last point really isn't a complaint since there were only a few guys who really weren't even worth a damn in the first place who got pushed. And where do you officially say the Attitude Era ended? With Austin's 2001 heel turn? The Invasion? Did John Cena give the Attitude Era an Attitude Adjustment?

Would we now consider this era to be the Ruthless Aggression Era?
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Title: Warrior-Poet
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PostPosted: Jan 18 2010 03:25 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Doddsino wrote:
To me, shit went downhill as soon as Bischoff was onscreen fired. He was quite possibly the glue that held Raw in place. And who replaced him? Just about every single character that couldn't even hold a candle to his character; Coach, Adamle, Regal, Vickie, hell even McMahon. It had been spiraling out of control as soon as Cena joined Raw and beat every single credible wrestler within the first year he had the title. Raw has just been a stalemate of that shit since then with absolutely no progression or build up of characters since then, with the (poor) exception of Sheamus, I can't think of a single wrestler who has really been built on Raw...unless you count RVD, but it took almost every power in the world to keep Cena down for the count of 3. And while I have gotten back into the loop of watching Raw, I'm still not even close to being where I was even 2 years ago as far as excitement, and really the only thing holding my attention is the Road to Wrestlemania coming up. I heard rumors that Cena is already having back problems and as dickish as it may seem, that's actually a bit of good news since it'll mean he'll need to lighten the load, and don't get me wrong, I don't wish injury upon anyone. But I hope to Holy God that means they'll not book him into the same fucking scenario again.

And yes, it was cool to see Shawn win the World Heavyweight title. The only problem with that moment was the awful hair he had at the time, which was only topped by the absolute god-awful, ugly ass, un-finished, shit colored tights in the history of professional wrestling.

I completely and totally agree on all counts here. I could not have written this better myself. Now that I think about it, it WAS Bischoff being fired that started the downhill slide.

And lol at the HBK hair/tights comments. As big a fan as I am, even I had to laugh at those. And in fairness, he HAS stated publicly how embarrassed he was to come out looking like that. (What I don't get is why he didn't just wear an old pair of tights. I don't think anyone would have cared.)

William Shakespeare wrote:
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

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Joined: Oct 01 2009
PostPosted: Jan 18 2010 04:17 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Yeah, he could've easily worn his Summerslam '95 tights, which I've always considered my favorites.

I just rememeber the street fight against Triple H, he wore the tightest jeans imaginable. And just why do you wear street clothes in a street fight, what's the advantage there? If there is none, then why wear wrestling gear?

Anyways, before I detour my own thread, I'll just answer a previous question as far as who's going into the HOF this year, most likely Dibiase Sr. and Stu Hart, but I did hear rumors that Warrior and Vince recently patched things up. I wish he could do the same thing with the frickin' Macho Man.
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Optimist With Doubts
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PostPosted: Jan 18 2010 06:30 pm Reply with quote Back to top

I think the fact that vince is stubborn and Macho man is bat shit insane will prevent that.

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Title: Warrior-Poet
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PostPosted: Jan 18 2010 10:19 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Doddsino wrote:

I just rememeber the street fight against Triple H, he wore the tightest jeans imaginable. And just why do you wear street clothes in a street fight, what's the advantage there? If there is none, then why wear wrestling gear?

Ahem. Just for the record, that happens to be my single favorite costume he's ever, EVER worn. Just...yes please. Very Happy

William Shakespeare wrote:
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

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Title: the twenty dollar man
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PostPosted: Jan 19 2010 10:31 am Reply with quote Back to top

hellwig and mcmahon making up just sounds wierd to me. but then again he did get bret hart to come back. i rented the macho man dvd set and i was disappointed to find no documentary on there.

Just when you thought it was safe to be dead
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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 01:58 am Reply with quote Back to top

So Jericho wins the WHT and Cena wins the WWE title and they'll face Edge and Batista respectively. And Shawn Michaels and Taker most definately happening...ugh.

Also, did anyone catch Elimination Chamber tonight? Undertaker accidently caught fire during his entrance and ran to the Chamber and spent the majority of the match pouring water on himself.
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uncle joe
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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 06:43 am Reply with quote Back to top

We'll have to agree to disagree on the Cena thing.

But fuck, a lot of wrestling fans are stupid. I know Bryan Danielson is an excellent wrestler (and might be best in the world), but I don't understand the logic behind hating the pairing he has with the Miz. The Miz is the shit (I've been n his bandwagon since the Real World NY), and they can both teach each other things.

Miz likes to apply submissions in his matches, and Bryan can teach him a lot more, while Miz can teach him how to ease the nervousness of wrestling infront of 20,000.

"Oh why are they letting Miz teach Danielson? Why not Regal or HBK?" Because HBK is fucking overrated and Regal has nothing left that he could teach Bryan. Miz can also teach Bryan that he no longer has to haggle for his money after the match is done.

Goddamnit most wrestling fans (especially the smarks) are so goddamn idiotic.


Theres a rumor that Bret might win one of the big straps at WM26? WTF?

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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 03:01 pm Reply with quote Back to top

uncle joe wrote:
We'll have to agree to disagree on the Cena thing.

But fuck, a lot of wrestling fans are stupid. I know Bryan Danielson is an excellent wrestler (and might be best in the world), but I don't understand the logic behind hating the pairing he has with the Miz. The Miz is the shit (I've been n his bandwagon since the Real World NY), and they can both teach each other things.

Miz likes to apply submissions in his matches, and Bryan can teach him a lot more, while Miz can teach him how to ease the nervousness of wrestling infront of 20,000.

"Oh why are they letting Miz teach Danielson? Why not Regal or HBK?" Because HBK is fucking overrated and Regal has nothing left that he could teach Bryan. Miz can also teach Bryan that he no longer has to haggle for his money after the match is done.

Goddamnit most wrestling fans (especially the smarks) are so goddamn idiotic.
Theres a rumor that Bret might win one of the big straps at WM26? WTF?

I too questioned the Miz/Danielson pairing my self But stylistically The Miz has a simular in ring style. Danielson and CM Punk probably know each other really well. Regal helped train him as well so they're out. so by Process of elemination there pairing him with the Miz is perfect.

and I agree the Miz is the shit and his new music and chemistry with the Big show makes him even more awesome. Plus the Miz and MVP are GOLD in the ring hopefully they hype their next bout a bit.


I'm not a Cena fan but he can be awesome when he needs to be. I don't like Batista either but I'd rather him be WWE Champion than Cena.

JERICHO YES!!!!!! He and Edge need to close Mania just on principal alone last time Jericho closed Mania the match was more about a Pug than him and the Unified title.

I smell a good Mania this year.

Doddsino wrote:

Also, did anyone catch Elimination Chamber tonight? Undertaker accidently caught fire during his entrance and ran to the Chamber and spent the majority of the match pouring water on himself.

Sort of I saw him storm to the ring but didn't catch the Pyro I'll have to look at it agian.

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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 03:29 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Miz and Danielson are around the same age, so not only can they work off eachother, they're more likely to get along on the road, that's what I take away from it. Regal just needs to be let go, his presence at the PPV last night was a waste of time and only really used as face fodder for Edge.

If Cena/Batista finish the show...I'm going to be incredibly pissed. We all know where that would be going and I don't need to see it for the 5th time...we get it WWE, you want Cena to be the next Hogan.

Also, despite the fact that I believe you're being sarcastic, I'll go ahead and say Bret ain't winning shit outside of maybe a Street Fight at WM...which at tops will go 8 minutes.
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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 03:36 pm Reply with quote Back to top

their* (I'm anal about my typing errors)

yeah Regal on the PPV was time that could've been spent on another match.

I want more Miz VS MVP with all these theme PPVs the WWE is doing why not have a PPV where it's just Miz and MVP for 2 hours.

Does TNA HONESTLY think they can compete now with the WWE being the strongest it's been in 5 years?
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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 03:40 pm Reply with quote Back to top

^ You can edit your posts, ya know.

Yeah, TNA's crossing the like crossing the line back in the the 1990's WWF.
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PostPosted: Feb 22 2010 07:13 pm Reply with quote Back to top

I want TNA to succeed but at the same time if they shut down that means all that talent can go back to ROH and ROH can become #2 and I KNOW ROH won't Fuck up like TNA does.

I'm really looking forward to NXT tomorrow night.
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 01:32 am Reply with quote Back to top

I'm very happy to see Wendi Richter in the HOF, she definately deserves it.

Since Slim Jims are the sponsor of WM...could we possibly see the Macho Man?
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 01:44 am Reply with quote Back to top

If Mach isn't in this year he never will be.

Also if Miz is in Money in the bank he NEEDS TO WIN IT.

Miz is ready for a world title.
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 01:55 am Reply with quote Back to top

If anyone is ready for a title reign, it's Christian. Miz is decent, but I still think they need to hold off on it for a while, I mean look what happened to Kennedy.
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uncle joe
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 04:27 am Reply with quote Back to top

Im Miz's biggest supporter, but he's not eady. Although he is on their radar of guys they are going to push.

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2010 SLF Tag Champ*
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 11:03 am Reply with quote Back to top

My god, this was one of the best Video Promos I have seen from WWE in a long time.

Kevin Dunn is a mad genius.
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 02:35 pm Reply with quote Back to top

That was pretty damn good

Despite the fact that I don't want to see the match, Shawn Michaels has to win now. There's too much invested in his character to just not do so. It's honestly a lose lose situation, no matter how you look at it.
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2010 SLF Tag Champ*
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 03:46 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Unless Shawn really is planning on retiring, I don't like the way this is playing out.

There is ZERO reason for Taker to end his streak to Shawn. They are already has high as Icons in Wrestling as they will ever be. Absolutely, zero reason.

Out of all the opponents he has ever faced at Wrestlemania, the only one who could have used the win, was Kane in their first match, to establish Kane as a serious equal to his "brother".
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Chile Guy
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PostPosted: Feb 23 2010 08:01 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Looks like almost all my predictions were right.
I was hoping for a HHH vs. HBK match, though...

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PostPosted: Feb 24 2010 12:15 am Reply with quote Back to top

Me too Chile, it actually seemed like they were going towards that for a while.
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PostPosted: Feb 24 2010 12:22 am Reply with quote Back to top

Yeah HBK has to win. Unless he really does want to hang em up. But Taker might retire soon too he's been with the WWE 20 years looks tired and is almost always injured.

I think HBK has another world title in him at least and HBK for all intents and purposes retired Flair Wrestling on shows nobody gives two shits about (Hulk tour and TNA) doesn't count as coming out of retirement.
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uncle joe
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PostPosted: Feb 24 2010 01:39 am Reply with quote Back to top

HBK was planning to take time off until at least August, so guess who's going to win?

And no, I wasn't joking about the Bret thing.

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PostPosted: Feb 26 2010 01:17 am Reply with quote Back to top

Taker will most likely be taking time off too. This is honestly the first time in about 5 years, I've thought that someone has a good chance to end the streak.
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